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Building a Successful Internship Program: Lessons from Our Recent Experience

Building a Successful Internship Program: Lessons from Our Recent Experience

As the CEO of NvisionKC, I’ve had the privilege of running internship programs that benefit both the company and the interns. A well-designed internship program can provide a significant return on investment (ROI) by cultivating talent, boosting productivity, and bringing fresh perspectives into the company. Here’s what I’ve learned and the strategies I recommend for companies looking to implement or improve their own internship programs.

1. Establish Clear Expectations Early On

To ensure the success of any internship program, it’s crucial to set clear expectations from the outset. I personally prioritize one-on-one meetings with interns early in the program. These sessions allow me to understand their goals and aspirations and align them with the company’s objectives.

At NvisionKC, I’ve found that interns perform better when they know what is expected of them and feel that their personal goals are recognized. Whether an intern is eager to hone technical skills or interested in project management, aligning their interests with the company’s needs helps create a win-win situation.


  • Schedule one-on-one meetings early to establish expectations.
  • Align the intern’s goals with project objectives to create mutual value.

2. Get to Know Each Intern and Build Relationships

Beyond aligning goals, it’s important to invest time in getting to know each intern on a more personal level. One of the most effective ways to build meaningful relationships is through one-on-one meetings, where both you and the intern can share more about who you are. These meetings provide an opportunity for interns to understand not just the company’s vision but also who you are as a leader and what motivates you.

I believe that strong relationships form the foundation of a successful internship. When interns feel connected to leadership, they are more engaged, confident, and open to contributing their ideas. For me, sharing my own journey—how I started NvisionKC and the challenges I’ve overcome—helps interns see that their contributions matter and that they are part of something larger.


  • Schedule regular one-on-one meetings not just to discuss work but to build relationships and share personal stories.
  • Allow interns to understand your leadership style and values, fostering a stronger connection and sense of belonging.

3. Adopt a Team Approach to Mentoring

At NvisionKC, we found that approaching mentoring as a team effort rather than the responsibility of one person was highly effective. Multiple mentors contributed their time, which helped spread the time burden of mentoring without disrupting our team’s billable hours. This approach also allowed interns to experience a variety of perspectives, as they interacted with different experts across specialized areas.

This team approach gave our interns the opportunity to see the breadth of expertise at NvisionKC, enhancing their learning experience while relieving any one mentor from carrying the full weight of the responsibility.


  • Involve multiple mentors to distribute the time burden.
  • Provide interns with various interactions to expose them to different areas of expertise and work styles.

4. Implement a Follow-Up System to Measure Progress

Tracking progress is essential to make sure that both interns and the company are benefiting from the internship. At NvisionKC, we’ve implemented a follow-up system to regularly check in on an intern’s development. This system allows us to provide timely feedback, offer additional training, or adjust the intern’s responsibilities based on their growth.

For instance, if an intern shows an interest in client-facing work, we ensure they get the exposure they need. This responsiveness fosters an environment where interns feel valued and engaged.


  • Develop a follow-up system for regular check-ins.
  • Use these opportunities to offer guidance, recalibrate goals, and track achievements.

5. Provide Real-World Training Through Mock Consulting

One of the most effective strategies we use is role-playing mock consulting scenarios, where interns act as consultants delivering services to NvisionKC as if we were their client. This hands-on experience mirrors real-world challenges and teaches interns how to interact with clients, understand their needs, and provide thoughtful solutions.

Our past interns worked on projects like the KC Intranet remodel and the SPFX testimonial slider, applying technical skills like SharePoint development, Power Automate, and Power BI. These projects not only taught them technical skills but also helped them understand the broader business context.


  • Create mock consulting scenarios to provide real-world training.
  • Encourage interns to act as consultants, presenting solutions and addressing challenges in a business setting.

6. Foster a Welcoming and Supportive Work Environment

Interns thrive in environments where they feel supported, encouraged, and free to experiment. At NvisionKC, we’ve cultivated a workplace culture that balances professional standards with creative freedom. This nurturing atmosphere allows interns to explore their ideas and take ownership of projects without fear of failure.

One of our past interns shared how this welcoming culture contributed to their personal growth, helping them balance technical challenges with real-world responsibilities. They expressed gratitude for the opportunity and the skills they developed, which they plan to carry into their future career.


  • Create a supportive environment that allows interns to take risks and grow.
  • Encourage a balance between professional responsibilities and creative exploration.

7. Emphasize Learning and Personal Development

Beyond technical skills, it’s important to foster personal growth and professional relationships. At NvisionKC, we provide opportunities for interns to build connections and gain broader insights into client needs and branding.

One past intern’s reflection on their experience emphasized the importance of understanding client needs, a lesson that will serve them well in the future. Another gained valuable insights into the importance of incorporating brand identity into the solutions they developed during their internship.


  • Encourage interns to focus on both technical and interpersonal skills.
  • Provide exposure to client interactions, branding, and strategic thinking.

8. Show Gratitude and Provide Feedback

Recognizing the contributions of your interns and offering feedback is key to maintaining a positive relationship. At the conclusion of each internship, we hold feedback sessions where both interns and our team can reflect on the experience.

During our latest program, we received positive feedback from our interns about their experiences working on various projects. This two-way feedback helps us improve our program for future interns while making sure the current interns feel appreciated.


  • Conduct feedback sessions at the end of the internship to reflect on the experience.
  • Use this opportunity to express gratitude and gather insights for improvement.

Final Thoughts

Running a successful internship program requires time, effort, and thoughtful planning, but the rewards are immense. A well-structured program benefits both the interns and the company, creating a pipeline of skilled professionals and innovative ideas. By focusing on expectations, real-world training, and continuous feedback, you can build an internship program that delivers a strong return on investment.

At NvisionKC, we’ve seen firsthand how impactful internships can be in shaping future leaders and contributing to our company’s growth. If you’re considering starting an internship program, these insights and strategies will help you create a meaningful experience for both your business and the interns you mentor.

Grace Ahn

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