IT Continuity Planning

Enabling Organizations to Consistently Deliver


Application resiliency and high availability is crucial to providing uninterrupted business operations, enabling organizations to consistently deliver products and services to their customers without facing costly downtimes diminished customer and stakeholder trust.

The Challenge

Even the smallest businesses heavily rely on data and connectivity. As a result, IT disruptions have become more expensive than ever. According to figures from Datto, just one hour of downtime can cost $10,000 for small businesses. For larger companies, those hourly costs can balloon to more than $5 million. (Datto) A 2020 Mercer survey found that 51% of companies across the globe don’t have a business continuity plan.  A break in continuity isn’t just costly. It can literally end a business if operations can’t be restarted quickly enough.

How We Engage

NvisionKC applies a four-step framework to every application continuity project. This allows us to break projects down into distinct phases so that we can track progress and provide measurable results throughout the engagement.  An approximate level of effort is provided below:

- Gather Information

- Define and Measure Business Impact

- Evaluate Resiliency Through Tabletop or Live Exercises

- Document, Evaluate and Communicate

Our Results

These engagements assess the existing environment; people, processes, and technology, and define and refine new policies, procedures, and resources.  Metrics will be gathered at the beginning and end of this project to gauge the application’s DR maturity before and after this project.  The goal is to achieve measurable improvement of the application’s DR readiness and provide actionable recommendations for resolving uncovered risks and gaps.


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